Creativity has always been a part of my life. While my creative process started out small with drawings of my favorite characters and every animal I could think of, it blossomed into painting pictures with words and that is where I found my true passion: writing.
I’ve always been enthralled with storytelling and the possibilities and opportunities it can afford us. Through high school and continuing into college I worked to tell the stories of the people around me. I pursued a degree in Journalism from Central Michigan University where I gained knowledge and experience in digital storytelling.
From there I started my journey into digital marketing and began exploring all the facets and features of compelling online content. I familiarized and educated myself on SEO best practices, using WordPress, blogging, email marketing, social media marketing and the ever-evolving landscape that is digital and content marketing.
Working as a content marketer gave me great insight into the minds of my readers as well as strategies for creating the content they wanted to read. It also helped me understand the analytics behind my most successful blog posts and most-opened emails.
I’m always looking for further my knowledge of digital marketing and improve my skills.
When I’m not writing and reading up on the latest trends, I’ll be exploring my creativity through sewing, cooking, graphic design and paper crafting.